Thursday, August 21, 2014

50 Cent

NO, no, not that guy.  The price I paid for these awesome mustard cropped pants!

Yes, this girl scored those pants for $.50.

I'm not saying I'll never shop retail again but I'm feeling some kinda way about paying sale price when I can pay resale price.  

I bought a similar pair (see the pink pants) when the Talbots outlet store in my area was going out of business.  (It was a bitter sweet day).  

For comparison sake, the pink pair retailed for $129.00.  They were ultimately marked down to $69.99, but, I paid about 10 bucks for 'em.  Hold on...let me do the I'm no mathematician but I paid about 2000% less for the mustard pair than I did for the pink. 

I picked up 17 other items on this thrift run for a total of $9.54.  Less than I paid for the pink pants. *shakes head in disbelief*.

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

These boots were made for SPLASHING!

Rain, rain please don't go away.  Every time I think I'll get the chance to wear a pair of rain boots the sky clears up as soon as I put them on.  Today was no exception, it rained early A.M, and by the time I left out the sun was shining brighty. Sigh.

My luck hasn't kept me from wanting to add another pair to my closet.  I already own a pair of Hunter boots that I purchased prior to becoming a fan of thrifting.  Now that I'm wise to the ways of the Thrift Life,  I've had a pair of short rain boots on my mental ThriftList for some time now.  

Recently my wish came true; I found this cute pair on a recent outing.  They're a little hippie and teenie bopperish.  But, I think they'll look great with colorful leggings, skinny jeans or a denim skirt.

Are you experiencing rainy weather in your city?  Do you wear your rainboots all day rain or shine?

Saturday, August 16, 2014

Thrifting SPREE

I'm new to the whole idea of thrifting but since I've tried it, I've been left wondering "why didn't I start this long ago".   So, this past weekend I decided to go on a thrifting spree.  I stopped by 4 locations in my city, and while I've grown attached (addicted is probably a better word) to the Goodwill.  I've quickly realized that actual thrift stores have the best deals.  I went to an outlet location where everything was $1.25, at another location I got 50% off everything (yasss, everything). 
I'm always fascinated by what I'm able to find and even more fascinated by the prices.  However, I do get pretty bummed when I see something awesome and its not my size.  I spotted a lovely pair of yellow pumps in a size 8 (darn this additional 1/2" of feet) and the most adorable little dress in a size 2 (are you kidding me??)
Anyways, I'm grateful for what I did find. I have new jackets and blazers for the fall/winter (not that needed another blazer but some of these were too cute to pass up).

Saturday, August 9, 2014

So Long Summer

I don't know about you but with school back in session I'm feeling like the summer is unofficially over.  

Each year, I hate to say goodbye to the sweet summer breezes, freedom from elementary school homework, the abundance of delectable fruits and most of all my requisite trips to the beach.   But as much as I hate saying so long to summer; I welcome the cool temps of the fall.

Looking back over the summer I recall my favorite outfit.  It's my favorite for 2 reasons:

(1) It makes me to reminisce on my trip to Savannah, GA. If you haven't been you should totally go; and if you currently live there...lucky you!
(2) I wore my favorite thrifted item of the season with this outfit   This darling mint necklace was my favorite jewelry find so far.  The denim jacket was a thrift find as well from the Salvation Army.

Another thing I like about this outfit is I can easily transition it into the fall with a quick change of accessories. 

What was your favorite outfit of the summer?  I'd love to see it and hear why it was your fave.  Do you have any outfits you plan to transition between seasons?      

Friday, August 8, 2014

Ready for FALL Haul

I'm going on a 3 day thrifting spree to check out my local thrift shops.  I'm in search of items to transition into fall.  Who am I kidding???  I'm in search of whatever catches my eye and is a good price.

Today (8.8.14) was a good day but let's see what tomorrow brings.

Here's what I scored:
Tuxedo Blazer - 4.94
Corduroy Blazer - 3.28
Patterned Blouse - 3.93
Reversible Blouse - 3.93 (I really was fascinated by this shirt, its two shirts in one LOL @ myself...don't judge me!!!)
DB Purse - 12.51

Overall I'm very happy with my weekend finds.  I can't wait to wear the Tuxedo blazer.

This was just the my next post, more photos of what I scored.

Thursday, August 7, 2014


When I put this outfit together I thought it was too neutral.   My 10 year old thought otherwise, "you look like summer", he said.  Like Sun & Sand I thought; and so I went with it.

And guess what,  it worked!  I got lots of compliments today.

Shirt - Express (Thrifted w/ tags...SCORE!)
Skirt - Talbots Outlet
Blazer - New York and Company
Shoes - 9&Co. JCP

@~~~~I'm So Rosie
Stay rosy y'all!

Tuesday, August 5, 2014



I love it when I can check something off my thrift list.  I've been looking for a pair of chocolate colored pumps for the longest time.  I ordered a pair from DSW only for them to arrive and be more burgundy than brown ('what the').  Talk about being bummed - Super Sad Face :-(

But then...I found these round toed chocolate brown pumps by Nine West at my local Goodwill this past weekend (Check) They were $5.95 + NO TAX, thanks to the tax-free weekend (Check, Check). SCORE!

What have you checked off your must have list lately?

Sunday, August 3, 2014

A Little Pep(lum) In My Step

Much like talking M&Ms and Santa Claus, love at first sight does exist.  It was love at first sight for this lovely little cream lace peplum top. 

I scored this little cutie while back-to-school shopping for my 10 year old.  (5th grade watch out).  Here in my state we had a two day tax free weekend (Fri & Sat). So of course I had to take advantage of the sales for the entire family. 

It fits like perfection!  Although this was not a thrift find, I got it for a great price from @JCP.  

The possibilities are endless; work, church, a night out with the girls or a date night ( Note to self: find a date!!).  

Whether I pair it with a pencil skirt, trousers, skinny jeans or leggings; I'll definitely have a little more pep in my step.

@~~~~I'm So Rosie
Stay Rosy y'all!